Up to Everyone Podcast - To inform, empower and protect

Vaccine Choice Canada, host of the Up to Everyone Podcast, is a family-led organization formed in 1982 in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada and the lack of regard for parental rights and informed consent. Our mandate is to empower families to make voluntary and informed decisions about vaccination, support people in their right to medical choice, and protect a parent’s right and responsibility to make medical decisions for their children.

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Thursday Mar 13, 2025

Ted Kuntz and Dr. Stephen Malthouse were joined by drug policy researcher Alan Cassels to examine the influenza vaccine.
Does the vaccine prevent influenza infection and transmission? What are the health implications of taking the flu shot? Learn the facts so you can make an informed decision for the health and well being of your family.
Order your copy of our new book entitled, Pregnancy and Vaccination:
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
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You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Thursday Feb 20, 2025

Join us as we discuss the real facts about oral health with Dr. Jennifer Hibberd, a Doctor of Dental Surgery. She is a founder of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) and cofounder of the World Council for Health (WCH). She is the vice-president of the Canada Health Alliance and the World Freedom Alliance. She is the Canadian Ambassador for People's Health Alliance and on the scientific committees for the Medicos Pela Vida (MPV-Doctors for Life) and the South African Vaccine Injured Medico-legal Study group (SAVIMS).
She is a Senior Fellow of the IMA (renamed from the FLCCC). Don't miss the important presentation from this expert in the field of Dentistry.
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025

Raising Healthy Children Series - Understanding Smallpox - Roman Bystrianyk 
Ted Kuntz and Dr. Stephen Malthouse were joined by Roman Bystrianyk, co-author of the groundbreaking book Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History. Their discussion focuses on smallpox, one of the diseases most often cited as proof of the effectiveness of vaccines. Find out if the smallpox vaccine eradicated this much-feared disease and how it became the foundation for our vaccine centered approach to raising healthy children.
Follow Roman Bystrianyk on substack https://substack.com/@romanbystrianyk
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
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Wednesday Jan 15, 2025

Shirley Guertin shares how she managed an influenza outbreak in her barn using homeopathy. By treating 23 horses with 11 different remedies, always matching the remedy picture to the symptoms of the individual horse, she achieved faster recoveries and significantly lower costs compared to conventional methods. The experience demonstrated both the effectiveness and affordability of homeopathy, with remedies that can also be used with humans showing similar symptoms.
Watch Video "How to give homeopathy to a horse with Shirley Guertin": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjP1XBu7M9Q
Canadians for Homeopathy website: https://canadiansforhomeopathy.com/
Two entry-level courses coming up: Homeopathy for People & Their Pets
• Winter Course: Jan 23 to March 27, Thursdays, 4:00 pm PT/7:00 pm ET
• Spring Course: April 3 to June 5, Thursdays, 5:00 pm PT/8:00 pm ET
Both courses run Thursday evenings for just over 2 hours each, spanning 10 weeks.
To receive an information package and to registerEmail:ShirleyGuertin@protonmail.com
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025

On Jan 7/25 Ted Kuntz and Dr Stephen Malthouse were joined by special guest, Dr Suzanne Humphries, co-author of the ground-breaking books Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, 10th anniversary edition and Dissolving Illusions companion book. Their discussion focused on the two diseases that are most often sited as proof of the effectiveness of vaccines: smallpox and polio.
Join us to learn the truth about how the vaccines created to prevent these much feared diseases were neither safe nor effective.
* Unfortunately Roman Bystrianyk was unable to join the panel discussion due to medical matters he needed to attend to.
Website: https://drsuzanne.net
Odysee: @drsuzanneh:f
Watch The Highwire Plus: https://thehighwire.com/plus/login/
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024

Epigenetics is the study of how cells control gene activity and how modifications to our DNA can turn on or off our genes, which is very serious for our health and wellbeing. To learn about why this is so important and all the things that can impact and interfere with our epigenetic join this fascinating discussion with Dr. Ann Shivas. Ann is a leading epigenetic expert, the founder of LifeLift.Live and, having started her career as a pro-soccer player, she is now an osteopath with a busy practice on Vancouver Island.
Website: https://www.onthegoosteo.com/
Join LifeLift Community: https://lifelift.live/community
LifeLift “Transform your Stress Workshop”: https://buy.stripe.com/bIYg148JC33w4a4eV1
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
VCC Choice Insider: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/news-bulletin/
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024

A Panel Discussion with Dr. Michelle Perro, Dr. Stephen Malthouse and Ted Kuntz
Do you wonder what is causing the alarming increase in diseases like asthma, allergies and childhood cancers?
In Canada, one of every two children has a chronic health condition, making this the sickest generation ever. Our panelists will share insights on what is causing this epidemic of chronic illness and highlight strategies for raising health children. This is the first in a series of panel discussion to focus on specific threats to the health of our children.
Michelle Perro, MD, DHOM.
Dr. Michelle Perro is a pediatrician who draws on four decades of experience in acute and integrative medicine. She educates and empowers parents to take the lead in raising healthy children. Dr. Perro is Executive Director of GMO Science and has lectured widely on environmental health and justice issues focused on children. She is host of The New MDS: Mothers, Doctors, and Scientists, a podcast for parents. https://gmoscience.org/the-new-mds/ In 2024, she testified at the National Citizens Inquiry in Vancouver, highlighting the many toxins to which our children are exposed and their associated health impacts. Dr Perro co-authored the book What’s Making our Children Sick? and will soon release her new book, Making Our Children Well. www.drmichelleperro.com
Stephen Malthouse, MD
Dr. Stephen Malthouse has practiced family medicine in Canada for 45 years. His integrative approach to healthcare uses the best of conventional and complementary therapies, especially homeopathic medicine. A long-time supporter of Vaccine Choice Canada, Dr. Malthouse has been an outspoken advocate for informed consent and patient education on the risks of vaccines. In 2021, he spearheaded the Doctors on Tour, speaking out across western Canada to expose the dangers of the covid shots, especially for children. In his presentation on the Future of Medicine to the Romanian Parliament in 2023, Dr. Malthouse identified the need for a new healing paradigm and called for a moratorium on all childhood vaccinations. In 2024, Dr. Malthouse testified at the National Citizens Inquiry, outlining the research showing the dangers of childhood vaccines. He is founding President of the Canadian Integrative Medicine Association and past President of the Canada Health Alliance. 
Ted Kuntz M.Ed
Ted Kuntz a father, a grandfather, medical choice activist, author, educator and retired psychotherapist.
Ted’s journey to examine the claims of the vaccine industry began after his son Joshua was severely injured by the DPT injection in 1984. After years of researching the medical literature, Ted learned that the medical industry has been dishonest with health consumers on the safety, effectiveness and necessity of vaccinations.
Ted believes that the effort to deny citizens their right to make medical decisions for themselves and their children is one of the greatest threats to humanity today. “If we lose the capacity for choice over what is injected into our self and our children, then we are no longer free citizens. Protecting medical choice and demanding honesty, transparency, and accountability are the most important issues in my life.”
Ted is the current President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Chair of the National Citizens Inquiry, co-founder of Freedom Rising, and the host of a weekly Freedom leaders meeting.
Ted is also an accomplished author. Ted’s books include:
Dare to Question
Peace Begins With Me
How Can I Wake Up When I Don’t Know I’m Asleep
A New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination
Ted’s books can be found at: https://uptoeveryone.com/
The National Citizen’s Inquiry: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024

Dr. Samantha Bailey trained and worked as a conventional doctor in New Zealand for over two decades before a new understanding of health compelled her to leave the medical system. Since 2020, she has gained a large social media following and has co-authored the books Virus Mania, The Final Pandemic, and Terrain Therapy.
Website: https://drsambailey.com/
Substack: https://drsambailey.substack.com/ 
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DrSamBailey
Farewell to Virology Dr Mark Bailey:  https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/ 
Book recommendation: Daniel Roytas 'Can You Catch A Cold?’
Video: Once Upon a Time in Wuhan: https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/covid-19/once-upon-a-time-in-wuhan/   
Order your copy of A New Parents Guide to Vaccination: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/new-parents-guide/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Oct 30, 2024

In this presentation we discuss the Charter of Health Freedom with the author of this proposed new legislation, lawyer Shawn Buckley. Shawn is the President of the Natural Health Product Protection Association (NHPPA) and is a long-time proponent of health freedom and medical choice for all Canadians. In this discussion we will be looking at the current threat to our health freedom, what can be done about it and what Shawn believes the final outcome will be and what the future holds for us all. Our health is literally in the balance at this critical time. Don’t miss hearing, and sharing, this very important discussion with Shawn.
Natural Health Product Protection Association: https://nhppa.org/
National Citizens Inquiry: https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/
Charter of Health Freedom: https://www.charterofhealthfreedom.org/ 
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024

Oct 15/24 - John Graff is the Chairman of Living Streams Institute Inc., an influential freedom oriented think tank. He serves as the Saskatchewan Co-Chair of the National Citizen’s Inquiry, is a former college professor, and is currently a consultant to clinics, international governments, and drug companies. With extensive experience and training, John addresses the pressing issues we face today. 
John is a nutritionist, chemist, process engineer, agribusiness executive, Bible teacher, farmer, husband, and father. His Crossroads Weekend Seminars explore in-depth information and actions to address challenges associated with genetic therapy digital currency, food systems, alternative energy, and the accompanying spiritual battles.
Emails: livingstreamsinstitute@protonmail.com
Vaccine Choice Canada: https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/
Canada Health Alliance: https://canadahealthalliance.org/
Please support the work of:
Vaccine Choice Canada is Canada’s oldest and most respected vaccine risk awareness organization. 
Stay informed by joining today: 
Download and Share Material from Vaccine Choice Canada
You can find our videos on:
VCC’s Podcast Channel: https://podcast.uptoeveryone.com/



Vaccine Choice Canada, in collaboration with world leading experts in science, health and ethics, provides up to date information to assist in informed health care decisions.

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